Monday, October 24, 2005

Life Update

Just a quickie to let you know whats going on.

1) I am done with 3 of 5 grad school applications. Hopefully I will get some interviews, and maybe even an acceptance. I have never been so excited to incur $130,000 in debt!

2) I'm leaving for Argentina in one week. I'll be in NYC for one day, then I'm in Buenos Aires to learn Spanish!

3) I'm crashing with my folks in Orange County right now. I didn't think I'd like it, but something about free food and laundry is somewhat addictive! Also I have found some free WIFI coffee shops, which makes me very happy. I am a free WIFI whore!

4) I bought the video iPod. I was totally anti-Apple, but this thing is so awesome. I love it.

5) I'm STILL looking for book recommendations! Hook me up with some ideas!

6) I promise I'm going to try to write more on this (because I'm so sure you're hanging on my every word. You know you are...I'm like "The OC": a guilty pleasure)

Ingrown Fingernail

Don’t read this if you are easily grossed out.

Actual email to my former coworkers back in NYC:

So I got up this morning and my finger was throbbing in pain!  I looked at it and it was all swollen and literally GREEN.  I have had ingrown toenails before so I recognized it as an ingrown fingernail and was like "hmm, I haven't had an ingrown fingernail before).  Yes Quyen, it is because I bite my nails!  I need to quit.  D'Amico, if you quit smoking I'll quit nail biting!  We can be a support group!

Anywho, so I called the doctor in a panic to figure out what to do.  I'm talking GREEN FINGERTIP!  EWWW.  Right where the nail connects to the skin...and all puffed out!  So I made an appointment for 2:30.  Then I was like "What should I do?"  So I have been used to ingrown toenails and the trick is always to stuff cotton under the nail to force it up and away from the inflamed skin.  So I did that, and it hurt like sh*t! Then I must have put too much pressure, because the inflamed area burst open!  Then I realized WHY my fingertip was all green!  It was filled with GREEN PUSS, which all came pouring out!  SO NASTY!!!

So anyway, after I drained it, soaked it in salt water and put cotton under the nail it all seems fine now.  Go figure!  I mean it's a little sore, but I canceled the doctors appointment.

YAY!  Happy ending!

Fun at high school reunion!

My 10 year high school reunion was a few weeks ago.  OK, it was like a month ago, but I am super lazy about this blog sh*t so I didn’t write about it at the time.  I will be better in the future I promise…in theory.  Sheesh!

So the reunion amazingly exceeded out extremely low expectations, and many of our theories were confirmed.  Some observations:

    1)      Several people got fat, but very few got skinny
    2)      I looked freakin good that night
    3)      Most people hadn’t left Orange County, but the ones who did all bonded that night
    4)      Lots of mommies, not a lot of daddies
    5)      Lots of teachers
    6)      Lots of martinis.  I was a participant.
    7)      Some tattoos, some plastic surgery
    8)      Nobody had ever heard of UPENN
    9)      Most people looked the same, but the girls had bigger asses and the guys had bigger necks

Also there was a boob job, a guy wearing makeout, and I busted a girl for being on a dating show.  All in all an uneventful night, but definitely not as bad as expected!