Top 10 List - Ridiculous Experiences
Well children, I have decided to take a break from my inane China ramblings to recap some of the better moments in my life. I'm not sure how accurate this is going to end up being, but I come back to this list of my most ridiculous experiences because I mentioned it in an earlier post. It is hard to rank an experience by ridiculousness, so think of this as a simple collection of ridiculous experiences, each ridiculous in its own particular way. I'm not going to delve into the details of each, but if you really want to know about one, just post a comment here and I'll be sure to elaborate on the experience.
Anyway, these are based on a couple of factors, including:
1) The "In can't believe we just did that" factor
2) The "If anyone asks, this never happened" factor
3) The "what the f*ck was the all about?!" factor
So here are my top 10 (for now)
Roadtrip home from San Francisco (with high school friends): taking a detour, getting lost in the hills during a forest fire and winding up on a dirt road, seeing two cows fucking, and miraculously emerging from the forest fire into Six Flags Magic Mountain, all within a four hour timespan
Trip to San Diego (with high school friends): crossed border into Tijuana, immediately got nervous and turned car around only to get caught in a two hour traffic jam back into the US, subsequently failing border crossing immigration check and ending up at "Station B" wherein we were told that Jack's lack of a greencard and absence from the greencard database "must mean he was naturalized at some point" and were told we were free to leave
Week in Montreal (with Wendy, Kevin and Mandy): Lost control of our paddle boat and were washed into a small park wherein we saw a crowd of children gather around a couple of teenagers that were dry humping whilst later that night we drunkenly made friends with a guy chaperoning escaped mental patients ("Les Handicaps")
Any time House of Pain's "Jump Around" is played and I'm in the same venue as Colleen (ie. College Graduation Formal, Spotted Cow Bar in New Zealand, Colleen's Basement)
"La Belle Epoque" with Sid and Cordelia. Just terrible…
Black Water Rafting with Colleen, Patsy and Edina in Waitomo New Zealand. Despite the wetsuits, inner tubes, eels, glow worms and kneepads, it REALLY got ridiculous when Collen got stuck on an underwater rock…
Riding rented horses up Wu Tai Shan with my Chinese language classmates on a horse with a bad case of the farts. Yes, I captured the magic on video…
Bunnies in the mist….
Stroopwafel Eating contest with Robin in Amsterdam. I don't remember much of it, but the photos are incriminating
Hotel Hopping: Illegally parking at the Irvine Hyatt in order to crash a convention for Co-dependents anonymous and a Casino Night for "Survivors of Head Injuries"
Runner's Up
Riding the coin-operated carousel (built for 3 toddlers) in front of Swensen's with my high school buddies circa 1999
Memorizing and re-enacting "Transformers the Movie" in high school french class
Billy "messing up his wink" intended for the hot tuba girl in band camp
Falling asleep for two hours in the Musee D'Orsay with Sid and Cordelia
"The Naked and the Nude"
If you can think of any others, or would like elaboration on any of those listed, please let me know. There is a lot of potential for ridiculous out there, and perhaps I'm overlooking something especially awesome rigth now. Feedback is encouraged!!!