Thursday, November 03, 2005

Worst comment ever!

OK, so I was checking out my own blog (yes, I am a total loser...but you must have known that already, no?!?) and I saw that I had two comments on my ingrown fingernail post! I was all giddy with excitement that someone would actually comment on my narsty story! Its a true story btw for all you disbelievers. I know none of you saw it, but i was there and I lived it (and had to clean up the pus!)

So anyway, I was all excited, but then i found out that one of the comments was this:

Jerry Simpson said...
Sometimes News Stories Just Don't Add UpI assumed the rest of the survivors must have been livestock or pets until I read further.Find out how to buy and sell anything, like things related to instant road repair on interest free credit and pay back whenever you want! Exchange FREE ads on any topic, like instant road repair!
1:27 PM

HOW LAME IS THAT!!? Its an AD! I was so offended. Sometimes the internet sucks.