Band Bus Fun
I was sitting in a cafe here in Buenos Aires enjoying some delicious Milenesa and Enselada Russo when a group of people in the back started to sign happy birthday to someone in Spanish. It was at that point that I had a flashback to high school (it happens sometimes), to the times when Johnny and Billy and I would sit in the back of the bus with Wendy and Sarah Lloyd and the fit girl from the flag team. I forget her name, but she was really cool. The three of us (Johnny, Billy and myself) once set her up with Scott Schonenberger (The S.S.). He needed a date to the prom, and she was cool as hell. It was a match made in heaven, in some sense at least. I also remember that she would sing the "tootsie roll" song in the back of the bus with the other flag girls. Yes, THE tootsie roll song (thing 1994).So anyway, Sarah would often get pissed off at us in the back of the band bus...I can´t remember why exactly. Either Johnny or Billy had commented on her ridiculous boobs, or one of us mentioned how much prettier Wendy was or something. Anyway, to make thing "better", we would cheer her up by singing happy birthday to her. Of course in a crowded bus you can't sing happy birthday without everyone joining in! Soon the whole bus was signing happy birthday to Sarah Lloyd. We did this on a weekly basis for about 2 years.
We would also chant a lovely little song that went something like this:
Hey hey hey heeeeeeeeey BITCH!
How´d you get so FAT?
You´re so damn UGLY
Moooooooore speed
12 tits
12 tits
12 tits
12 tits
Why? Because...
And then we would IMMEDIATELY break into "God made rock and roll for you....made rock and roll for you...made rock and rollllll for everyone!"
To this day I have no idea what that chant means or why we did it, but it was good fun. I think we got it from Paul McGinnis, who was completely insane.
Any ideas on what the chant could mean??