Buenos Aires Part 4 - Price Shopping for Internet Cafes
I miss free WIFI, and am now going through a form of withdrawel. My life is so much better with Outlook than it is without...if Outlook were a girl I would have asked her to marry me.That being said, I am sitting in an internet cafe next to one of the fattest people I have ever seen. He may be the fattest person in Argentina. He is literally spilling out of his office chair and through the small cracks between the various chair parts like a giant marshmellow that has been placed in a basket too small for it. With my luck he will be in the seat next to mine on the 10 hour flight to New York City!
So I have been price shopping for internet cafes, and I found that I am less price sensitive than I am "keyboard sensitive", ie. the keyboard cannot be one of those old school ones in which the keys are tough to push and make a "katong katong" sound. You know what I mean...like in your old public library...
Hair Update - I don't have a mullet! However, I can sense my hair getting long and have no idea how or when I will be able to cut it! I might need an emergency hair-ostomy when I get to NYC! Hopefully I can survive until then...you know how I get!
As for adventures...the biggest so far is that I have run out of english language books...as such I am spending a lot of time with my mp3 player and I might start writing some pretty wacky shit here soon...