Buenos Aires Part 3: Dan´s Adventure in the land of Mullets
OK, I thought I was going to write a story, but instead I'm just going to rant. I'm still using internet cafes instead of WIFI on my laptop, because I am very lazy and it is a long long walk to the free WIFI cafe / best gelateria in the world. I had originally disputed Jess's claim that Dulce de Leche Granizado (with chocolate chips) is the best flavor (i preferred dulce de leche con brownie), but today as I sampled the two flavors back-to-back in my giant waffle cone, I decided she was right after all. Something about how the flakes of chocolate intermix with the ripples of smooth caramelicous dulce de leche....it took me to another place.So back to my original rant: mullets. I am in the land of the mullet. I don't know at which point Buenos Aires became the great mullet breeding ground of the 21st century, but it has definitely taken place. I asked a faux-mullet sporting American here why he broke down and got one (albeit his is a light mullet or ¨Mullet-Lite"), and he told me that he had no choice. Apparently all Buenos Aires barbers have banded together and determined that all men under the age of 40 are now given only two choices of haircut: a) mullet or b) shaggy mullet.
So I have decided not to get my hair cut until I get back to the U.S. Its a good thing I brought my industrial sized tube of hair goo with me. OH, funny story there:
So i was crashing at my friend Colleen´s house in NYC two nights before my flight to Buenos Aires. She has one bathroom, so she saw my toiletry bag, which includes the big tube of hair goo. There is a sticker on the goo that reads "$150", the price of the hair goo. However, it should have read "HK$150" in order to reveal the truth. Street value for the tube: approximately US$18.50, which I agree is a lot for a bottle of hair goo, but Colleen thought I had paid US$150!!! The scary part is that she had no problem believing I would pay that kind of money for hair product. I guess I went kinda nuts with spending over the past couple of years...
Do you know David Nalbandian? The tennis player? He's from Argentina and has a terrible mullet.
You should read my recent blog post on hair products!
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