Saturday, December 03, 2005

Ushaia 1 - Waaaay down Under

Ushuaia is ridiculously pretty...well, the city itself is not pretty at fact its a bit of a hovel filled with tourist traps and youth hostels, but the surrounds are breathtaking! Landing in Ushuaia was ridiculous, and the views are pretty awesome. Tomorrow I am going on a 1-day trek, and on Sunday I will go on another. Both involved canoing, which is of course one of my personal strengths.

So the family I´m living with is a bit interesting. Its a divorced mother of 4 who has one child still with her along with their dog: a pit bull. Here´s the kicker: she smokes. Which is fine, since everyone in Argentina smokes. I am getting tired of the smoke smell though. For once there is something about the USA that I miss a little bit.

Also can I tell you that Ushuaia is more expensive than Buenos Aires? I guess its the backpacker ripoff culture.

So I´m trying to figure out what to bring back with me when I go to NYC and then to CA. I´m thinking of the following:
  1. Wine
  2. Wine
  3. Mate and requisitie mate cup and straw
  4. Shoes
  5. Wallet

Leather is cheap ok? But I´m also feeling cheap, especially after spending so much on trekking excursions, so I might just bring nothing...we´ll see...



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