Thursday, December 01, 2005

Bariloche 4 - Even lazier day in Bariloche

OK, so I woke up today and my ankles and calves were killing me! I think it was the trekking from yesterday combined with the fact that after 3 weeks of constant wining and dining in BA I am now horrible out of shape! So today I took a post-breakfast nap, the wandered down to town for lunch, and now have parked my butt in an internet cafe. Tomorrow I need to fly to BA and then Ushuaia, but I have no idea if I will be able to do so due to the Aerolineas strike! On top of that, I´m trying to book my flights to Philadelphia for New Years, and apparently the AA site is down or simply doesn´t work from my current location, so I can´t do it! This sucks!

Update - Its highly possible that the rude people in my hostel yesterday are actually CANADIAN. This explains a lot!

I´m so sick of the smoking people here. Second hand smoke is driving me nuts.

OK, apparently today is not only lazy day, its bitch day, cuz I keep on bitching. I love it though!

So, I need to place to crash in NYC on the night of the 15th. Any bidders?

Speaking of crashing, I still have no idea where I am staying in Ushuaia TOMORROW! The people from my school haven´t sent me the name from the family or their location. I am annoyed, because this means I might have to book a hostel once I get there! UGH! I hate last minute crap!

Time to calm down again. I am also frustrated that the OK Cupid website isn´t working. I LOVE that site!

So as I said before, please POST your comments so everyone can share in the pleasure that is my blog.

I´m feeling a bit disjointed today...perhaps I need to chill out a bit more...or perhaps it is all the mounting uncertainty that surrounds me all the time nowadays! Ugh!

OK, time for another list!!! Here are some possibilities for what I can do during thetime between New Years and February 20th (when my program in Beijing gets started):
  1. Australia + Vietnam + Hong Kong - This would let me buy a round-the-world ticket that goes to these three spots and then lands me in Dubrovnik in June for The Gathering
  2. Australia + Hong Kong - This way I could spend more time in CA before heading out, and the flight to Hong Kong could be easier and I wouldn´t have to worry about a Vietnam visa
  3. Oaxaca - I would still hit hong kong before Beijing, but I would doa round-trip to Oaxaca in January through mid Feb or something. This way I can practice more Spanish!
  4. Something else

What say you?


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