Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Testing my blogger

It has been several years since I have the urge to "publish" random ideas on the internet for non-porn viewing web surfing community to view and comment on. Sorry folks, no porn on this site (yet).

When I last had a website, it was a lot more work and I had a lot more time. I was 24 years old, living in Sydney, Australia for one year and literally waiting around to get fired. I would sit in the office for 12-16 hours a day learning how to "look busy". Yes, the global recession treated me well, and I was able to produce danohgi.tripod.com, my masterpiece of time-suckage, which kept me awake during those long days...

So now I'm testing out this site, which seems easier to update if not quite as self-indulgent...

The big question: What is an "appropriate" level of profane language for a blog? I like my language he way I like a nice chunk of bleu cheese: smelly, strong and with high likelihood of offending others, but I might have to show some self restraint this time (have to think of the children!)


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